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Portraits  | Apr 30, 2024

Good evening again ! Two articles in one day, that seems to be my new record. And with another one due out tomorrow, Wednesday, which is very much requested and awaited, it's been quite a productive week for me in terms of photography It was a warm day in

Archives and Miscellaneous Thoughts

⛔The photos used in this article are intended for persons 18 years of age or older. If you are under the age of 18, please leave this site. Hey, This weekend, once again going through the archives (since 2010, I've accumulated over 30,000 photos) I came upon

Portraits  | Oct 16, 2023

It's time for the portraits. I've probably written before that I want to get back to photographing people. But I've also written that it's quite difficult in a new country for me now, because not knowing the local language makes it very

Portraits, vol. II

The last post was two weeks ago. Time to come back after a break, so to speak. I took almost no pictures during those two weeks, just a few shots during an outing with a local photographer's hangout like a week ago. Tired, launching a new project at

Portraits from archives

The distant year 2010. I had just recently bought my first camera and was diligently learning how to shoot. I don't remember what kind of camera it was, like a Canon 450D with a kit lens. There wasn't enough money for studio photography in those days,

 |  Portraits  | Dec 14, 2022

Portraits  | Nov 20, 2022

This is the second post I want to call 'Bored of Winter and Snow', as no snow is expected in Paris. The first one was a description of the journey to Teriberka. Old portraits dating back to around 2012. A bit of nostalgia, as I think I photographed

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