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Birds of the Bois de Boulogne. Part IV

It's been a long time since I've written anything, and I don't think I've posted any birds for an even longer time. What can I do, the times are such as they are now. February. I don't want to explain

The birds and the story of the bus that failed

Bonne journée, mes amis! A week ago I promised you a post about my trip to Normandy, in the glorious city of Fécamp. Spoiler alert for the impatient, I didn't make it. You may disperse, you have been tricked. Just kidding, I'll tell you all about

Birds of the Bois de Boulogne. Part III

It's been a long time, folks. In a nutshell, from the latest news. Before Christmas, I was thoroughly ruined by what the doctors now call "swine flu". (I'm writing these words and I'll be honest, I remember writing a similar thing about

Birds of the Bois de Boulogne. Part II

And we continue to learn about the fauna (mostly birds), of the Bois de Boulogne. Met a couple of pretty nice specimens today, and even one Tangerine Duck. It's a pity that only the male got in the photo, the female swam up a little later, already at

Birds of the Bois de Boulogne. Part I

First, a brief explanation of why part one, and when the second and next will be. As I've written before I really like birdwatching and all that goes with it, so this is by no means the last post with bird photos on my website. Birdwatching, or ornithology,

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