The distant year 2010.

I had just recently bought my first camera and was diligently learning how to shoot. I don't remember what kind of camera it was, like a Canon 450D with a kit lens.

There wasn't enough money for studio photography in those days, so we shot what we could (nowadays it's called interior photography).

I hope the models don't beat me up for posting pictures. On the other hand - the contacts are lost, the statute of limitations on these shoots has expired, and I will not mention the names.

Blurry pictures - it just perfectly conveys the capabilities of this camera, although I pressed in the editor on the long side to 3000 pixels, the quality is certainly no longer modern 47-megapixel DSLRs.

I'm somewhat sorry that I lost my photo archives a couple of times, as hard drives were not known for their reliability in those days.

Although, of course, most of them remained, because duplication is everything.

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