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My name is Andrei and I am a wildlife photographer. I live and work in Paris, France. Welcome to my blog, here I show and tell about photography and my life.

Feb 01, 2025
Finding My Way Back
Travels  | May 22, 2024
Al Badayer
Travels  | May 12, 2024
Portraits  | Apr 30, 2024
Birds  | Apr 30, 2024
I've waited!
Apr 22, 2024
In anticipation of

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Fécamp, Capitale de la Côte d'Albâtre

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, I haven't written anything in a long time, and in general I haven't been in touch. The reason - the work, the release of a new version and what - something just crushed me. But then April came, and with them

A little about animals

Having come to my senses a little bit after another episode of the covid. (I don't even know what it is anymore, is it my second? Third?) Well, it's officially confirmed to be my second. But other than that, who knows. Okay, it doesn't

Birds of the Bois de Boulogne. Part IV

It's been a long time since I've written anything, and I don't think I've posted any birds for an even longer time. What can I do, the times are such as they are now. February. I don't want to explain

The birds and the story of the bus that failed

Bonne journée, mes amis! A week ago I promised you a post about my trip to Normandy, in the glorious city of Fécamp. Spoiler alert for the impatient, I didn't make it. You may disperse, you have been tricked. Just kidding, I'll tell you all about

Portraits, vol. II

The last post was two weeks ago. Time to come back after a break, so to speak. I took almost no pictures during those two weeks, just a few shots during an outing with a local photographer's hangout like a week ago. Tired, launching a new project at

Birds of the Bois de Boulogne. Part III

It's been a long time, folks. In a nutshell, from the latest news. Before Christmas, I was thoroughly ruined by what the doctors now call "swine flu". (I'm writing these words and I'll be honest, I remember writing a similar thing about

Portraits from archives

The distant year 2010. I had just recently bought my first camera and was diligently learning how to shoot. I don't remember what kind of camera it was, like a Canon 450D with a kit lens. There wasn't enough money for studio photography in those days,

The summary of the year. 2022

Well. I guess we should start somewhere. But perhaps we should start with a little excursion into the past. To the year 2021, which is where all the adventures of 2022 began. In December 2021 we boarded a flight from St. Petersburg to Paris, with a short connection to Helsinki.

Birds of the Bois de Boulogne. Part II

And we continue to learn about the fauna (mostly birds), of the Bois de Boulogne. Met a couple of pretty nice specimens today, and even one Tangerine Duck. It's a pity that only the male got in the photo, the female swam up a little later, already at

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