And we continue to learn about the fauna (mostly birds), of the Bois de Boulogne.

Met a couple of pretty nice specimens today, and even one Tangerine Duck. It's a pity that only the male got in the photo, the female swam up a little later, already at a long distance from me.

The coloring of course is amazing

The direction to look at the tangerine was given to me by another bird watcher, but unfortunately he did not speak English, and my French is not yet enough to talk about birds.

So we limited ourselves to saying hello and how are you, and that was it.

A little distraction from the birds is the Otter. Chewing cookies.

The next photo is "Seconds before the cookies tried to be stolen."

He took a new position, a look as if to hint to us, "One more time and I'll fuck you up..."

And some photos of the traditional inhabitants of the forest - a gray heron and a field mouse.

That's all, see you next weekend.
And maybe even sooner, because the Christmas holidays have started in France.

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