Full Name
Andrei Kuzmin
Andrei Kuzmin's Work
49 Posts
Good evening, readers! Here is the end of our little trip along the north coast of France. As I wrote in a previous post, our last stop was to be the Abbey of Mont St. Michel, which you can see in all its glory on the internet, just kidding, here
Hey, everybody, It's been quite a while since the last post, but let's be honest, not much has happened in that time. Or rather, nothing worth noting has happened Anyway, this weekend we decided to visit the north coast of Brittany. It's off season,
It's time for the portraits. I've probably written before that I want to get back to photographing people. But I've also written that it's quite difficult in a new country for me now, because not knowing the local language makes it very
Hello readers! This post is dedicated to photography, but photography of just one bird - the Zaryanka. Her name in English is Robin The robin is the national bird of the United Kingdom, as Google tells us I will not copy here the text from Wikipedia, you can google it
Hello readers! I have long wanted to write something similar to a guide on how to photograph (and generally) watch birds. Go over the basics, maybe give some tips, and that's about it. So, let's start with what birdwatching is and where it came from. Wikipedia
Hey readers! As promised, posts will be more frequent now, as I have a little more free time (and I finally got back to sorting out the photo archives). Nothing radically new has happened yet, but what is, is. In the beginning of October I plan to visit a photo